JsonTree.js - Documentation - Options
Below is the JSON format and properties that can be used for the configuration options.
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v3.1.0 - 7th Sep 2024
Below is the JSON format and properties that can be used for the configuration options.
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Type: | Name: | Description: |
boolean | safeMode | States if safe-mode is enabled (errors will be ignored and logged only, defaults to true). |
Object | highlightAllDomElementTypes | The DOM element types to lookup (can be either an array of strings, or a space separated string, and defaults to "*"). |
Category: | Type: | Name: | Description: |
text | string | objectText | The text that should be shown for the "object" label. |
text | string | arrayText | The text that should be shown for the "array" label. |
text | string | mapText | The text that should be shown for the "map" label. |
text | string | setText | The text that should be shown for the "set" label. |
text | string | closeAllButtonText | The text that should be shown for the "Close All" button text. |
text | string | openAllButtonText | The text that should be shown for the "Open All" button text. |
text | string | copyAllButtonText | The text that should be shown for the "Copy All" button text. |
text | string | objectErrorText | The error message that should be shown for object parsing errors (defaults to "Errors in object: {{error_1}}, {{error_2}}"). |
text | string | attributeNotValidErrorText | The error message that should be shown for attributes errors (defaults to "The attribute '{{attribute_name}}' is not a valid object."). |
text | string | attributeNotSetErrorText | The error message that should be shown for attribute not errors (defaults to "The attribute '{{attribute_name}}' has not been set correctly."). |
text | string | stText | The day ordinal text for “st”. |
text | string | ndText | The day ordinal text for “nd”. |
text | string | rdText | The day ordinal text for “rd”. |
text | string | thText | The day ordinal text for “th”. |
text | string[] | dayNames | The full day names (defaults to ‘[ “Monday”, “Tuesday”, “Wednesday”, “Thursday”, “Friday”, “Saturday”, “Sunday” ]’). |
text | string[] | dayNamesAbbreviated | The abbreviated day names (defaults to ‘[ “Mon”, “Tue”, “Wed”, “Thu”, “Fri”, “Sat”, “Sun” ]’). |
text | string[] | monthNames | The full month names (defaults to ‘[ “January”, “February”, “March”, “April”, “May”, “June”, “July”, “August”, “September”, “October”, “November”, “December” ]’). |
text | string[] | monthNamesAbbreviated | The abbreviated month names (defaults to ‘[ “Jan”, “Feb”, “Mar”, “Apr”, “May”, “Jun”, “Jul”, “Aug”, “Sep”, “Oct”, “Nov”, “Dec” ]’). |
text | string | ellipsisText | The ellipsis text to use for areas that are too long (defaults to "..."). |
text | string | closeAllButtonSymbolText | The symbol text to use for the "Open All" button (defaults to "⇈"). |
text | string | openAllButtonSymbolText | The symbol text to use for the "Close All" button (defaults to "⇊"). |
text | string | copyAllButtonSymbolText | The symbol text to use for the "Copy All" button (defaults to "❐"). |
text | string | backButtonText | The symbol text to use for the "Back" button (defaults to "Back"). |
text | string | nextButtonText | The symbol text to use for the "Next" button (defaults to "Next"). |
text | string | backButtonSymbolText | The symbol text to use for the "Back" button (defaults to "←"). |
text | string | nextButtonSymbolText | The symbol text to use for the "Next" button (defaults to "→"). |
text | string | noJsonToViewText | The text that should be shown when no JSON is available to be viewed (defaults to "There is currently no JSON to view."). |
text | string | functionText | The text that should be shown for lambda functions (defaults to "function"). |
text | string | sideMenuButtonSymbolText | The symbol text to use for the side menu button (defaults to "☰"). |
text | string | sideMenuButtonText | The text to use for the side menu button (defaults to "Show Menu"). |
text | string | closeButtonSymbolText | The symbol text to use for the close button (defaults to "✕"). |
text | string | closeButtonText | The text to use for the close button (defaults to "Close"). |
text | string | showTypesText | The text to use for the show types header (defaults to "Show Types"). |
text | string | selectAllText | The text to use for the select all button (defaults to "Select All"). |
text | string | selectNoneText | The text to use for the select none button (defaults to "Select None"). |
text | string | importButtonSymbolText | The symbol text to use for the import button (defaults to "↑"). |
text | string | importButtonText | The text to use for the import button (defaults to "Import"). |
text | string | fullScreenOnButtonSymbolText | The symbol text to use for the toggle full-screen on button (defaults to "↗"). |
text | string | fullScreenOffButtonSymbolText | The symbol text to use for the toggle full-screen off button (defaults to "↙"). |
text | string | fullScreenButtonText | The text to use for the toggle full-screen button (defaults to "Toggle Full-Screen"). |
text | string | copyButtonText | The text to use for the copy button (defaults to "Copy"). |
text | string | dragAndDropSymbolText | The symbol text to use for the drag & drop title (defaults to "⇪"). |
text | string | dragAndDropTitleText | The text to use for the drag & drop title (defaults to "Drag and drop your JSON files to upload"). |
text | string | dragAndDropDescriptionText | The text to use for the drag & drop description (defaults to "Multiple files will be joined as an array"). |
text | string | exportButtonSymbolText | The symbol text to use for the export button (defaults to "↓"). |
text | string | exportButtonText | The text to use for the export button (defaults to "Export"). |
text | string | noPropertiesText | The text to show when no properties are available for an object/map (defaults to "There are no properties to view."). |
text | string | openText | The open button text to show next to a URL/Email (defaults to "open"). |
text | string | openSymbolText | The open button symbol text to show next to a URL/Email (defaults to "⤤"). |