JsonTree.js - Documentation - Options

Below is the JSON format and properties that can be used for the configuration options.

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v3.1.0 - 7th Sep 2024
JSON Properties


Type: Name: Description:
boolean safeMode States if safe-mode is enabled (errors will be ignored and logged only, defaults to true).
Object highlightAllDomElementTypes The DOM element types to lookup (can be either an array of strings, or a space separated string, and defaults to "*").

Options - Strings:

Category: Type: Name: Description:
text string objectText The text that should be shown for the "object" label.
text string arrayText The text that should be shown for the "array" label.
text string mapText The text that should be shown for the "map" label.
text string setText The text that should be shown for the "set" label.
text string closeAllButtonText The text that should be shown for the "Close All" button text.
text string openAllButtonText The text that should be shown for the "Open All" button text.
text string copyAllButtonText The text that should be shown for the "Copy All" button text.
text string objectErrorText The error message that should be shown for object parsing errors (defaults to "Errors in object: {{error_1}}, {{error_2}}").
text string attributeNotValidErrorText The error message that should be shown for attributes errors (defaults to "The attribute '{{attribute_name}}' is not a valid object.").
text string attributeNotSetErrorText The error message that should be shown for attribute not errors (defaults to "The attribute '{{attribute_name}}' has not been set correctly.").
text string stText The day ordinal text for “st”.
text string ndText The day ordinal text for “nd”.
text string rdText The day ordinal text for “rd”.
text string thText The day ordinal text for “th”.
text string[] dayNames The full day names (defaults to ‘[ “Monday”, “Tuesday”, “Wednesday”, “Thursday”, “Friday”, “Saturday”, “Sunday” ]’).
text string[] dayNamesAbbreviated The abbreviated day names (defaults to ‘[ “Mon”, “Tue”, “Wed”, “Thu”, “Fri”, “Sat”, “Sun” ]’).
text string[] monthNames The full month names (defaults to ‘[ “January”, “February”, “March”, “April”, “May”, “June”, “July”, “August”, “September”, “October”, “November”, “December” ]’).
text string[] monthNamesAbbreviated The abbreviated month names (defaults to ‘[ “Jan”, “Feb”, “Mar”, “Apr”, “May”, “Jun”, “Jul”, “Aug”, “Sep”, “Oct”, “Nov”, “Dec” ]’).
text string ellipsisText The ellipsis text to use for areas that are too long (defaults to "...").
text string closeAllButtonSymbolText The symbol text to use for the "Open All" button (defaults to "⇈").
text string openAllButtonSymbolText The symbol text to use for the "Close All" button (defaults to "⇊").
text string copyAllButtonSymbolText The symbol text to use for the "Copy All" button (defaults to "❐").
text string backButtonText The symbol text to use for the "Back" button (defaults to "Back").
text string nextButtonText The symbol text to use for the "Next" button (defaults to "Next").
text string backButtonSymbolText The symbol text to use for the "Back" button (defaults to "←").
text string nextButtonSymbolText The symbol text to use for the "Next" button (defaults to "→").
text string noJsonToViewText The text that should be shown when no JSON is available to be viewed (defaults to "There is currently no JSON to view.").
text string functionText The text that should be shown for lambda functions (defaults to "function").
text string sideMenuButtonSymbolText The symbol text to use for the side menu button (defaults to "☰").
text string sideMenuButtonText The text to use for the side menu button (defaults to "Show Menu").
text string closeButtonSymbolText The symbol text to use for the close button (defaults to "✕").
text string closeButtonText The text to use for the close button (defaults to "Close").
text string showTypesText The text to use for the show types header (defaults to "Show Types").
text string selectAllText The text to use for the select all button (defaults to "Select All").
text string selectNoneText The text to use for the select none button (defaults to "Select None").
text string importButtonSymbolText The symbol text to use for the import button (defaults to "↑").
text string importButtonText The text to use for the import button (defaults to "Import").
text string fullScreenOnButtonSymbolText The symbol text to use for the toggle full-screen on button (defaults to "↗").
text string fullScreenOffButtonSymbolText The symbol text to use for the toggle full-screen off button (defaults to "↙").
text string fullScreenButtonText The text to use for the toggle full-screen button (defaults to "Toggle Full-Screen").
text string copyButtonText The text to use for the copy button (defaults to "Copy").
text string dragAndDropSymbolText The symbol text to use for the drag & drop title (defaults to "⇪").
text string dragAndDropTitleText The text to use for the drag & drop title (defaults to "Drag and drop your JSON files to upload").
text string dragAndDropDescriptionText The text to use for the drag & drop description (defaults to "Multiple files will be joined as an array").
text string exportButtonSymbolText The symbol text to use for the export button (defaults to "↓").
text string exportButtonText The text to use for the export button (defaults to "Export").
text string noPropertiesText The text to show when no properties are available for an object/map (defaults to "There are no properties to view.").
text string openText The open button text to show next to a URL/Email (defaults to "open").
text string openSymbolText The open button symbol text to show next to a URL/Email (defaults to "⤤").