JsonTree.js - Documentation - Binding Options
Below is the JSON format and properties that can be used for the binding options.
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v4.1.0 - 7th Oct 2024
Below is the JSON format and properties that can be used for the binding options.
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Type: | Name: | Description: |
Object, Array, string | data | States the data that should be used for the tree (defaults to null). This can be an Array, Object, or URL. |
boolean | showObjectSizes | States if the property/length counts should be shown for Objects/Arrays (defaults to true). |
boolean | useZeroIndexingForArrays | States if the indexes should for arrays should start from zero (defaults to true). |
string | dateTimeFormat | States the display format that should be used for date values (defaults to "{dd}{o} {mmmm} {yyyy} {hh}:{MM}:{ss}", refer to "Date Formats" documentation for formatting). |
boolean | showArrowToggles | States if the toggle arrows should be shown (defaults to true). |
boolean | showStringQuotes | States if quotes should be shown around string values (defaults to true). |
boolean | showAllAsClosed | States if all the nodes should be closed when first rendered (defaults to false). |
boolean | sortPropertyNames | States if the property names for an object should be sorted (defaults to true). |
boolean | sortPropertyNamesInAlphabeticalOrder | States if the sorted property names for an object should be in alphabetical order (defaults to true). |
boolean | showCommas | States if commas should be shown at the end of each line (defaults to true). |
boolean | reverseArrayValues | States if the values from an array should be shown in reverse order (defaults to false). |
boolean | addArrayIndexPadding | States if the indexes shown for an array should be padded (defaults to false). |
boolean | showValueColors | States if the colors for the values should be shown (defaults to true). |
number | maximumDecimalPlaces | States how many decimal places should be used for decimal values (defaults to 2). |
number | maximumStringLength | States the maximum length a string can be in the display (defaults to 0, which will use the full length). |
boolean | fileDroppingEnabled | States if JSON files can be dropped onto the main display and shown (defaults to true). |
number | jsonIndentSpaces | States the total spaces that should be used for the indentation in any JSON (defaults to 8). |
boolean | showArrayIndexBrackets | States if the array index brackets should be shown (defaults to true). |
boolean | showOpeningClosingCurlyBraces | States if opening/closing curly braces should be shown (defaults to false). |
boolean | showOpeningClosingSquaredBrackets | States if opening/closing curly brackets should be shown (defaults to false). |
boolean | includeTimeZoneInDates | States if editing a date/time should include the timezone information (defaults to true). |
boolean | openInFullScreenMode | States if the UI should be shown in full-screen mode (defaults to false). |
object | valueToolTips | States the tooltips to use for specific property paths (for example, "value1\value2"). |
number | editingValueClickDelay | States how long an editable value should wait after being clicked to trigger the custom event (in milliseconds, defaults to 500). |
boolean | showDataTypes | States if the type of each object should be shown in the display (defaults to false). |
boolean | logJsonValueToolTipPaths | States if the JSON value tooltips paths should be logged to the console (defaults to false). |
string | exportFilenameFormat | States the export filename format (defaults to "JsonTree_{dd}-{mm}-{yyyy}_{hh}-{MM}-{ss}.json"). |
boolean | showPropertyNameQuotes | States if speech marks should be shown around the property names (defaults to true). |
boolean | showOpenedObjectArrayBorders | States if the object/array contents should show the opened borders (defaults to true). |
boolean | showPropertyNameAndIndexColors | States if the object/array names/index should show the parent's color (defaults to true). |
boolean | showUrlOpenButtons | States if a URL can be opened in a new window (defaults to true). |
boolean | showEmailOpenButtons | States if an Email can be opened in the default email editor (defaults to true). |
number | maximumUrlLength | States the maximum length a URL can be in the display (defaults to 0, which will use the full length). |
number | maximumEmailLength | States the maximum length an Email can be in the display (defaults to 0, which will use the full length). |
number | minimumArrayIndexPadding | States the minimum number of padding zeros that should be used on array indexes (defaults to 0) |
string | arrayIndexPaddingCharacter | States the padding character that should be used for array indexes (defaults to "0"). |
boolean | showCssStylesForHtmlObjects | States if the CSS styles should be shown for an HTML object (defaults to false). |
string | jsonPathAny | States the characters that should be used to define an "any" path (defaults to ".."). |
string | jsonPathSeparator | States the separator to use for JSON paths (defaults to "\"). |
boolean | showChildIndexes | States if the child array/set indexes should be shown (defaults to true). |
boolean | showClosedArraySquaredBrackets | States if the closed squared symbols ([ ... ] text) should be shown (defaults to true). |
boolean | showClosedObjectCurlyBraces | States if the closed curly braces ({ ... } text) should be shown (defaults to true). |
boolean | convertClickedValuesToString | States if the values click (when an event is assigned) should be converted to strings (defaults to false). |
Object | title | See Title Options. |
Object | footer | See Footer Options. |
Object | controlPanel | See Control Panel Options. |
Object | sideMenu | See Side Menu Options. |
Object | allowEditing | See Ignore Options. |
Object | tooltip | See ToolTip Options. |
Object | parse | See Parsing Options. |
Object | allowEditing | See Allow Editing Options. |
Object | autoClose | See Auto-Close Options. |
Object | paging | See Paging Options. |
Object | lineNumbers | See Line Number Options. |
Category: | Type: | Name: | Description: |
title | string | text | The text that should be displayed for the "JsonTree.js" title bar label. |
title | boolean | showCloseOpenAllButtons | States if the open/close all buttons should be shown in the title bar (defaults to true). |
title | boolean | showCopyButton | States if the copy all button should be shown in the title bar (defaults to true). |
title | boolean | enableFullScreenToggling | States if full-screen toggling is enabled (double-clicking the title bar, defaults to true). |
title | boolean | showFullScreenButton | States if the toggle full-screen button should be shown in the title bar (defaults to true). |
Category: | Type: | Name: | Description: |
footer | boolean | enabled | States if the footer bar should be shown (in full-screen mode, defaults to true). |
footer | boolean | showDataTypes | States if the footer bar should show the value data types (defaults to true). |
footer | boolean | showLengths | States if the footer bar should show the key/value length (defaults to true). |
footer | boolean | showSizes | States if the footer bar should show the key/value sizes (defaults to true). |
footer | boolean | showPageOf | States if the footer bar should show the "Page x of y" text (defaults to true). |
footer | number | statusResetDelay | States how long the status notification text should be visible for (defaults to 5000 milliseconds). |
Category: | Type: | Name: | Description: |
controlPanel | boolean | enabled | States if the panel is enabled (defaults to true). |
controlPanel | boolean | showCopyButton | States if the copy button should be visible (defaults to true). |
controlPanel | boolean | showMovingButtons | States if the moving buttons should be visible (defaults to true). |
controlPanel | boolean | showRemoveButton | States if the remove button should be visible (defaults to false). |
controlPanel | boolean | showEditButton | States if the edit button should be visible (defaults to true). |
controlPanel | boolean | showCloseOpenAllButtons | States if the open/close all buttons should be visible (defaults to true). |
controlPanel | boolean | showSwitchToPagesButton | States if the switch to pages buttons should be visible (defaults to true). |
Category: | Type: | Name: | Description: |
sideMenu | boolean | enabled | States if the side menu should be shown (defaults to true). |
sideMenu | boolean | showImportButton | States if the import button is shown (defaults to true). |
sideMenu | boolean | showExportButton | States if the export button is shown (defaults to true). |
sideMenu | string | titleText | States the side menu title bar text to use (defaults to binding option value "title.text"). |
sideMenu | boolean | showAvailableDataTypeCounts | States if the total count for each data item on display next to the checkbox text (defaults to true). |
sideMenu | boolean | showOnlyDataTypesAvailable | States that only the data types on display should be shown as filter checkboxes (defaults to false). |
Category: | Type: | Name: | Description: |
ignore | boolean | nullValues | States if NULL values should be ignored and not rendered (defaults to false). |
ignore | boolean | functionValues | States if FUNCTION values should be ignored and not rendered (defaults to false). |
ignore | boolean | unknownValues | States if UNKNOWN values should be ignored and not rendered (defaults to false). |
ignore | boolean | booleanValues | States if BOOLEAN values should be ignored and not rendered (defaults to false). |
ignore | boolean | decimalValues | States if DECIMAL values should be ignored and not rendered (defaults to false). |
ignore | boolean | numberValues | States if NUMBER values should be ignored and not rendered (defaults to false). |
ignore | boolean | stringValues | States if STRING values should be ignored and not rendered (defaults to false). |
ignore | boolean | dateValues | States if DATE values should be ignored and not rendered (defaults to false). |
ignore | boolean | objectValues | States if OBJECT values should be ignored and not rendered (defaults to false). |
ignore | boolean | arrayValues | States if ARRAY values should be ignored and not rendered (defaults to false). |
ignore | boolean | bigIntValues | States if BIGINT values should be ignored and not rendered (defaults to false). |
ignore | boolean | symbolValues | States if SYMBOL values should be ignored and not rendered (defaults to false). |
ignore | boolean | emptyObjects | States if empty OBJECTS should be ignored and not rendered (defaults to false). |
ignore | boolean | guidValues | States if GUID values should be ignored and not rendered (defaults to false). |
ignore | boolean | colorValues | States if COLOR values should be ignored and not rendered (defaults to false). |
ignore | boolean | regExpValues | States if REGEXP values should be ignored and not rendered (defaults to false). |
ignore | boolean | mapValues | States if MAP values should be ignored and not rendered (defaults to false). |
ignore | boolean | setValues | States if SET values should be ignored and not rendered (defaults to false). |
ignore | boolean | urlValues | States if URL values should be ignored and not rendered (defaults to false). |
ignore | boolean | imageValues | States if IMAGE values should be ignored and not rendered (defaults to false). |
ignore | boolean | emailValues | States if EMAIL values should be ignored and not rendered (defaults to false). |
ignore | boolean | htmlValues | States if HTML values should be ignored and not rendered (defaults to false). |
ignore | boolean | lambdaValues | States if LAMBDA values should be ignored and not rendered (defaults to false). |
Category: | Type: | Name: | Description: |
tooltip | number | delay | States how long to wait before showing a tooltip (in milliseconds, defaults to 750). |
tooltip | number | offset | States the additional offset to use for the tooltip position (in pixels, defaults to 0). |
Category: | Type: | Name: | Description: |
parse | boolean | stringsToDates | States if string values should be parsed to Date() objects (if valid, defaults to false). |
parse | boolean | stringsToBooleans | States if string values should be parsed to Boolean objects (if valid, defaults to false). |
parse | boolean | stringsToNumbers | States if string values should be parsed to Number objects (if valid, defaults to false). |
parse | boolean | stringsToSymbols | States if string values should be parsed to Symbol objects (if valid, defaults to false). |
Category: | Type: | Name: | Description: |
allowEditing | boolean | booleanValues | States if BOOLEAN values can be edited (defaults to true). |
allowEditing | boolean | decimalValues | States if DECIMAL values can be edited (defaults to true). |
allowEditing | boolean | numberValues | States if NUMBER values can be edited (defaults to true). |
allowEditing | boolean | stringValues | States if STRING values can be edited (defaults to true). |
allowEditing | boolean | dateValues | States if DATE values can be edited (defaults to true). |
allowEditing | boolean | bigIntValues | States if BIGINT values can be edited (defaults to true). |
allowEditing | boolean | guidValues | States if GUID values can be edited (defaults to true). |
allowEditing | boolean | colorValues | States if COLOR values can be edited (defaults to true). |
allowEditing | boolean | propertyNames | States if property names can be edited (defaults to true). |
allowEditing | boolean | urlValues | States if URL values can be edited (defaults to true). |
allowEditing | boolean | emailValues | States if EMAIL values can be edited (defaults to true). |
allowEditing | boolean | regExpValues | States if REGEXP values can be edited (defaults to true). |
allowEditing | boolean | symbolValues | States if SYMBOL values can be edited (defaults to true). |
allowEditing | boolean | imageValues | States if IMAGE values can be edited (defaults to true). |
allowEditing | boolean | bulk | States if bulk-editing of the JSON is enabled (defaults to true). |
Category: | Type: | Name: | Description: |
autoClose | number | objectSize | States the size an object has to be before it's closed on the first load (defaults to 0). |
autoClose | number | arraySize | States the size an array has to be before it's closed on the first load (defaults to 0). |
autoClose | number | mapSize | States the size a map has to be before it's closed on the first load (defaults to 0). |
autoClose | number | setSize | States the size a set has to be before it's closed on the first load (defaults to 0). |
autoClose | number | htmlSize | States the size an HTML object has to be before it's closed on the first load (defaults to 0). |
Category: | Type: | Name: | Description: |
paging | boolean | enabled | States if paging is enabled (replaces "showArrayItemsAsSeparateObjects", defaults to false). |
paging | number | columnsPerPage | States how page columns (array items) to show for each page (defaults to 1, maximum of 6). |
paging | number | startPage | States which page to start on when array paging is enabled (defaults to 1). |
paging | boolean | synchronizeScrolling | States if the paging columns should synchronize their scroll positions (defaults to false). |
paging | boolean | allowColumnReordering | States if the columns can be reordered when editing is enabled (defaults to true). |
paging | boolean | allowComparisons | States if side-by-side property name comparisons can be shown in the display (defaults to false). |
Category: | Type: | Name: | Description: |
lineNumbers | boolean | enabled | States if the line numbers are enabled (defaults to false). |
lineNumbers | boolean | padNumbers | States if line numbers should be padded (defaults to false). |
lineNumbers | boolean | addDots | States if line numbers should show a dot after the number (defaults to true). |