JsonTree.js - Documentation - Binding Options

Below is the JSON format and properties that can be used for the binding options.

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v0.8.0 - 20th Mar 2024
JSON Properties

Standard Options:

Type: Name: Description:
Object data States the data that should be used for the tree (defaults to null).
boolean showCounts States if the property/length counts should be shown for Objects/Arrays (defaults to true).
boolean useZeroIndexingForArrays States if the indexes should for arrays should start from zero (defaults to true).
string dateTimeFormat States the display format that should be used for date values (defaults to "{yyyy}-{mm}-{dd}T{hh}:{MM}:{ss}Z", refer to "Date Formats" documentation for formatting).
boolean showArrowToggles States if the toggle arrows should be shown (defaults to true).
boolean showStringQuotes States if quotes should be shown around string values (defaults to true).
boolean showTitle States if the title should be shown (defaults to true).
boolean showTitleTreeControls States if the tree control button should be shown in the title bar (defaults to true).
boolean showAllAsClosed States if all the nodes should be closed when first rendered (defaults to false).
boolean sortPropertyNames States if the property names for an object should be sorted (defaults to true).
boolean sortPropertyNamesInAlphabeticalOrder States if the sorted property names for an object should be in alphabetical order (defaults to true).
boolean showCommas States if commas should be shown at the end of each line (defaults to false).
boolean ignoreNullValues States if NULL values should be ignored and not rendered (defaults to false).
boolean ignoreFunctionValues States if FUNCTION values should be ignored and not rendered (defaults to false).
boolean reverseArrayValues States if the values from an array should be shown in reverse order (defaults to false).
boolean addArrayIndexPadding States if the indexes shown for an array should be padded (defaults to false).
boolean showTitleCopyButton States if the copy all button should be shown in the title bar (defaults to false).
boolean showValueColors States if the colors for the values should be shown (defaults to true).
number maximumDecimalPlaces States how many decimal places should be used for decimal values (defaults to 2).
boolean ignoreUnknownValues States if UNKNOWN values should be ignored and not rendered (defaults to false).

String Options:

Type: Name: Description:
string titleText The text that should be displayed for the "JsonTree.js" title bar label.